Why should gaming creators use membership?

Another income stream

Monthly pledges means you know exactly what you're getting paid each month. Growing your community means a bigger stream of income each month.

Grow your gamers community

Reinvest funds you get on OtakuFans to grow and expand your community in a sustainable way. Make your community needs known and generate buzz.

Eliminate the unwanted

Focus your time and vibes on the members that add value to your community. Cut out the rest. Make your community a more welcoming and safe place .

Exclusive feeds

Gate access to specific sections of your feeds or a particular posts. Give access to your sponsors and allow them entry to exclusive content.

Community & messaging

All the tools you need to message and engage with your members. Give a direct line of contact to your sponsors. Allow messaging for fans and supporters.

24/7 OtakuFans Support

Get support from our amazing support team. Communicate directly with them. A person will always be there to help you.

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